How to sell your home faster

The longer a property is on the market, the less valuable it becomes – it’s always a good idea to try to sell as fast as possible! Here are a few of our tips to achieving a quicker sale: ⁣

1. Choose your Real Estate Agent carefully.⁣ Ensure you choose one who you feel completely confident with as they will be the sole point of contact between yourself & potential buyers. You need to be confident they can represent your property correctly & to it’s full potential during all advertising, marketing & negotiation efforts. ⁣

2. Be realistic about your listing price. Advertising at the highest price possible may seems logical, however that’s not how it works. If you list your property at a price that’s too high you won’t get any interest. To determine the appropriate listing price you need to assess other homes sold/on the market in your area. Listing your property according to this data can create a bidding war & you will be more likely to receive an offer that’s at close to, or even over your listing price. ⁣

3. Appearance is everything. Replace old carpets, paint the walls, update appliances, update light fittings, landscape the garden. Also declutter & depersonalise to give it a ‘brand new’ feel. Staging is also a great idea if the house is vacant. ⁣

4. Ensure your photos are professional. It’s the first impression potential buyers have of your property. If your photos aren’t of a high quality & load quickly on mobile devices buyers won’t be impressed & will not visit.⁣

5. Share your listing. Social media is one of the best platforms for marketing. On average, everyone who uses Facebook has over 200 ‘friends’ – ‘sharing’ your property on this platform as well as Instagram opens you up to 100’s or even 1000’s of people. Or even better, ask your ‘friends’ to ‘share’ it as well. ⁣